Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Some Great News for My Newspaper Column

I've just not spent enough time promoting my newspaper column. Every now and then I'll send out some e-mail, but it's somewhat surprising how few editors even answer or shoo me away!

The feedback I've been getting has been very postitive. Here on the blog I blather on about specific wines and things. I try to keep the column more about issues, education, story telling and sharing some knowledge. I also think my journalism background has helped make it a success. I interview people and try to share others' knowledge.

I'm happy to make note today that I have picked up two newspapers. The Plymouth Pilot is giving the column a test run for its readers.

And just today the Anderson Herald Bulletin contacted me about adding the column to their food and feature pages.

Those two additions get my circulation up over 70,000 - I'm really pleased. I had hoped to get the column into 10-15 papers within a year and I'm at 7 so I guess I'm on target. I just need to spend more time working it.

You can always read all the columns on the link at the left of this "Grape Sense." That is just the newspaper columns.

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